Friday, September 6, 2013

HBase Installation

A. Pre-Requisite

1. Hadoop

B. HBase Installation
1. Download stable version of HBase from : (downlaod the latest stable version !)

2. Goto Downloads folder: launch terminal -> cd <download path> (ex: cd /home/hduser/Downloads)

3. Extract: tar -xzf hbase-<version>.tar.gz (ex: tar -zxf hbase-0.94.11.tar.gz)

4. Change directory name: mv hbase-<version>/ hbase/

5. Move hbase to a directory where all hadoop tools installed: sudo mv hbase/ /usr/hadoop/.

6. Change Ownership: sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop /usr/hadoop/hbase/

7. For convenience, export HBASE_HOME & export $PATH:$HBASE_HOME/bin (so that you will be able to call hbase commands from any where )

8. Edit $HBASE_HOME/conf/ to specify JAVA_HOME. Save & exit from the editor

9. Start HBase:

10. Launch hbase shell to work on it (create, alter, drop tables & insert data, etc ...): hbase shell

That's it your HBase installation is done.

To test your installation, use below statement at hbase shell prompt to create table:

1. hbase(main):001:0> create 'emptable', 'empno', 'empname', 'salary', 'deptno'

2. hbase(main):002:0> describe 'emptable'
