Thursday, August 15, 2013

PIG Installation

A. Pre-Requisite: 

B. Pig Installation steps:

2. Extract Pig : tar -xzf pig-0.11.1.tar.gz (it will extract to a folder hive-0.10.0-bin)

3. sudo mv pig-0.11.1/ pig

4. sudo mv pig/ /usr/hadoop/.

5. cd /usr/hadoop

6. sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop pig/

7. Set below Env variables (under hduser).
export PIG_HOME=/usr/hadoop/pig
export PATH=$PIG_HOME/bin:$PATH
(Make sure hadoop is started. To start Hadoop, ssh localhost;
At command prompt in terminal: pig (type pig & enter). It will lead you to grunt> prompt, where you can run pig statements / scripts 

Note: hduser is the user under which I have installed hadoop & hive. In your case it may be different

********** End of Pig Installation - Enjoy statement based HDFS tool ***************************

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