A. Pre-Requisite
1. Hadoop
B. Zookeeper Installation
1. Download ZooKeeper from : http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/zookeeper/ (downlaod the latest stable version !)
2. Goto Downloads folder: launch terminal -> cd <download path> (ex: cd /home/hduser/Downloads)
3. Extract: tar -xzf zookeeper-<version>.tar.gz (ex: tar -xzf zookeeper-3.4.5.tar.gz)
4. Change directory name: mv zookeeper-<version>/ zookeeper/
5. Move zookeeper to a common directory where all hadoop tools installed: sudo mv zookeeper/ /usr/hadoop/.
6. Change Ownership: sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop /usr/hadoop/zookeeper/
7. Create a directory under /tmp and change ownership to to the user under which zookeeper installed : cd /tmp -> sudo mkdir zookeeper -> sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop zookeeper (This directory to store the in-memory database snapshots & the transaction logs)
8. Edit zoo config: In the distribution zoo_sample.cfg exists. Create a copy of it as zoo.cfg & edit: cd <Zookeeper installation path>/conf; cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg; vi zoo.cfg to configure the datadir & other configurations as per below:
Upon any change save the file & exit (esc :wq)
9. Now login / change as hduser (zookeeper installation user)
10 cd (to goto home directory)
11. vi .bashrc
add below environment variables:
export PATH
Upon adding above lines, save & exit from .bashrc (esc :wq)
12. source .bashrc
13. Start ZooKeeper server: zkServer.sh start
14. Zookeeper's command line tools:
zkCli.sh localhost ls /zoo
1. Hadoop
B. Zookeeper Installation
1. Download ZooKeeper from : http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/zookeeper/ (downlaod the latest stable version !)
2. Goto Downloads folder: launch terminal -> cd <download path> (ex: cd /home/hduser/Downloads)
3. Extract: tar -xzf zookeeper-<version>.tar.gz (ex: tar -xzf zookeeper-3.4.5.tar.gz)
4. Change directory name: mv zookeeper-<version>/ zookeeper/
5. Move zookeeper to a common directory where all hadoop tools installed: sudo mv zookeeper/ /usr/hadoop/.
6. Change Ownership: sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop /usr/hadoop/zookeeper/
7. Create a directory under /tmp and change ownership to to the user under which zookeeper installed : cd /tmp -> sudo mkdir zookeeper -> sudo chown -R hduser:hadoop zookeeper (This directory to store the in-memory database snapshots & the transaction logs)
8. Edit zoo config: In the distribution zoo_sample.cfg exists. Create a copy of it as zoo.cfg & edit: cd <Zookeeper installation path>/conf; cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg; vi zoo.cfg to configure the datadir & other configurations as per below:
Upon any change save the file & exit (esc :wq)
9. Now login / change as hduser (zookeeper installation user)
10 cd (to goto home directory)
11. vi .bashrc
add below environment variables:
export PATH
Upon adding above lines, save & exit from .bashrc (esc :wq)
12. source .bashrc
13. Start ZooKeeper server: zkServer.sh start
14. Zookeeper's command line tools:
zkCli.sh localhost ls /zoo
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